Sunday, September 8

Tag: foam hand soap

The Right Way to Read Non Toxic Cleaning Products

The Right Way to Read Non Toxic Cleaning Products

Are you leaning towards switching up your lifestyle by using non-toxic cleaning products but unsure if the products you use contain ingredients that are clean? Nothing to be ashamed of at all. You’re one among many who want to make the switch but cannot tell what the ingredients are. Here are some qualifiers when it comes to telling if the natural cleaning products you intend to use are indeed clean:  If the label says unscented or fragrance-free.  If the label says biodegradable or non-toxic.  If the label says natural or unregulated. However, these words cannot be the sole indicators of non toxic cleaning products. These can also be a marketing tactic used by companies to qualify to sell their products in the natural cleaning products category. It is important to note th...