Friday, December 6

Why Students Must Take the Lead in the Wildlife Conservation

Wildlife conservation is one of the burning questions of today. With hundreds of endangered species and environmental issues on every step, it’s obvious that wildlife is currently not in the best position. The truth is, we all need to unite and make sure we preserve all animal species and their habitats.

This includes students and young people who will soon become the decision-makers of our society. Students have to take the lead in wildlife conservation, and below you’ll find 6 convincing reasons why.

Let’s take a closer look.


1. We Belong to the Same Ecosystem

If you think about it, our entire planet is one huge ecosystem. That means that we’re all connected to each other.

And, if one species dies out or one animal habitat is ruined, it impacts all of us.

Therefore, you can’t think of wildlife conservation as something that doesn’t impact you, even if you live in a majorly urban area in a city.

Here are the facts:

–         wildlife conservation is a global issue

–         the consequences will impact all of us

–         it is everyone’s responsibility to learn about it

We are all inhabitants of Earth and, as such, responsible for saving it.


2. Reducing Human Influence

The main reason why animal species are dying out is human influence.

There are different ways people are ruining animal habitats and causing their extinction:

–         illegal hunting

–         pollution

–         waste production improper waste management

–         animal captivation

–         wildlife tourism (e.g., dolphin shows or elephant shows)

–         deforestation

–         irresponsible behavior 

If we don’t understand our negative impact, we won’t be able to make it right. This is why everyone and especially young people and students need to learn about ways to reduce the negative human impact on wildlife.


3. Learning About Local Issues

Wildlife conservation is a global issue, but we have to start somewhere. It takes baby steps to make a difference, and students can start with their local areas.

Here’s what students should do and inspire others to follow their example:

–         do an assessment of their local area

–         think about the issues such as pollution, waterways, or damaged ecosystems

–         get involved with the local environmental organizations

–         learn how to make a difference

Making a difference locally will have positive effects on everyone globally. And, starting small will lead to even bigger changes.


4. Become More Responsible

Students should take the lead in wildlife conservation.

They are the pillar of society and need to take full responsibility for their actions. Learning about wildlife conservation will teach you how to change your habits and become a more responsible person.

You’ll have to rethink your habits, such as:

–         shopping habits (buying long-lasting clothes, reducing waste, buying in bulk…)

–         using single-use plastics

–         using cosmetics that are toxic for the land

–         amount of pollution that you create

You need to develop new, sustainable habits and become a role model for your family and friends. Through your own actions, you’ll be able to set new values and teach people how to be more considerate and care for wildlife conservation.


5.Taking Active Part in Conservation

There are hundreds of different ways in which young people and students can take an active part in wildlife conservation and take it further than their local areas.

Depending on the amount of energy, time, and motivation you have, you can choose a wildlife conservation program to participate in.

Here are just some examples of what you could do:

–         restoring forests

–         restoring degraded lands

–         protecting endangered species

–         national park conservation

–         rehabilitate animals after bushfires

 There are volunteer opportunities you can choose between and dedicate your free time to doing something useful and noble.

Just make sure you write a quality motivation letter and get accepted to the program. An online writing service can give you help with personal statement, and Canva or Snappa can help you create a beautiful design.  


6. Practice Selflessness

Finally, selflessness is one of the most important human characteristics that we all need to practice actively.

They can use their gap year to do some actual good and contribute to the wellbeing of our planet.

Volunteering and doing good for your environment will teach you how to:

–         be more selfless

–         do more good

–         help others without asking for anything in return

Students are young people with the resources to change the world for the better. Unless they realize the importance of helping others and taking an active part in conserving wildlife, no one else will.


Final Thoughts

Wildlife conservation is something we’re all in together. And even though there’s deforestation in Brazil and not in your apartment, it’s still your concern and deserves your attention.

Students should become more aware of the wildlife conservation issues that surround us and take an active part in improving the current situation. It will benefit everyone, including themselves.




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