What is Malt? – How to Brew Beer with Malt
What is Malt?
Malt is the toasted version of cereal grain of any kind. Whether you use the unique Castle Malting malt or any other malt, it contains wheat, barley, oat, wheat, rye, etc. It is also known as “Malted Wheat” or “Malted Barley.”
In many beers, the “malt” used is barley due to its high enzyme content that makes it ideal for brewing. The cereal grain is toasted to access abundant enzymes and sugars within the grain. All these enzymes and sugars form the substantive, sugary backbone of a delicious beer. The starches found in the cereal grains are not easily accessible in their raw form. Therefore, these need to be toasted well before use.
Types of Malts
Here are different types of malts used for making the finest Belgian beers:
Lager Malt 2 L: This malt is used for ...