Sunday, September 8

What Happens If You Don’t Service Your Car’s AC On Time!

Everything requires time to time maintenance and servicing, whether it is our body or our beloved cars. Do you agree? If yes, then why do people ignore the fact that their car’s AC system also needs periodic servicing. Your car’s AC starts giving signs when it needs servicing. Signals like- foul odor, incompetent cooling, suffocation when the ac is ON, etc. Are you experiencing these problems? If yes, then it’s time to visit an air con service provider before things become worse. 


But what happens if you ignore these signs and keep on running your AC? This is what we are going to make you understand today in this article. Let’s get started!

Things You’ll Have To Face If You Keep On Using An Un-serviced AC

Following are a list of things that you might experience if you don’t get your AC serviced:

Increased cabin temperature

You know that your AC isn’t working well. And if you still keep on using it, expecting that it’ll work correctly on its own, nothing will happen. Using an unserviced AC will increase the temperature of your car, making it uncomfortable to drive. Your AC blows out hot air when you want cold because of the damaged compressor. The job of a compressor is to regulate the refrigerant. If the refrigerant isn’t correctly synchronized, it will result in non-uniform cooling of your car. 

Loud Noises from the compressor

Nothing’s more irritating than those unwanted sounds coming from your car, especially from the compressor. Well, if you are habitual of hearing those noises, you can continue using your unserviced AC. But if you want your car to run smoothly without any sound of compressor, make it serviced as soon as possible. 

Compressor’s Clutch Will Not Work Properly

Most of you might not know, but the AC’s compressor is connected with the engine via a belt. This belt remains in motion as long as the engine keeps running. In other words, if the compressor gets stopped, it will jam the clutch. And thus, your car won’t run. So if you want to drive your car without any problem, get your auto air conditioning serviced. 

How Much Time Does It Take To Service Your Car’s AC?

This is one of the most common questions asked by car owners. Well, there’s no fixed time for that. The time depends upon the number of faults that are there in your car AC. If there’s no fault, it will take a few hours to make your ac work like new. There are various steps involved in the servicing of an AC:


  • Firstly, the mechanic removes the residual gas from your AC. 
  • Then the dashboard is removed to take out the cooling coil. 
  • After that, the coil is adequately cleaned and attached back. Once the coil is at its place, the dashboard is fixed back at its spot. 
  • Thereafter, the service person will clean the AC vent properly so that there’s no hindrance in the airflow. 
  • Then he opens the bumper to check the condenser. The condenser is then removed and cleaned properly.
  • They put the clean condenser back, and the bumper is refitted.
  • After all this, they fill the gas, and here your AC servicing ends.


You might be thinking how easy it is to service the AC? Isn’t this question revolving around your head? Well, it might look like a job as easy as making a cup of tea. But it isn’t. You can give it a shot. However, only 1 or 2 people out of 10 succeed in making their AC work back themselves. Rest just waste their time and energy on something that could have been done quickly by a professional. And such persons sometimes even make the conditions worse because of their inadequate knowledge. 


So, instead of cleaning or servicing your car’s ac yourself, take it to a good air conditioning service in Perth. 

Things To Keep In Mind When Choosing A Air Conditioning Service

When you are choosing a service provider, use these tips to make your selection process easier:


  • Always choose a service provider that’s expert in repairing the same brand’s cars like yours.
  • The service company should only use branded and quality spare parts in your car.
  • When you are choosing a provider, make sure to consider your budget. Don’t go over budget until or unless you don’t have any other option. There are so many affordable air conditioning service providers in the market. You will indeed find the one offering quality services fitting your budget.
  • Almost all of us check the seller’s reviews before buying anything expensive. You have to do the same in case of choosing an auto air service provider. Reviews help us to understand what a seller actually offers VS what they advertise. In other words, it will help you know if the service company you picked is worth handling your car or not.

Final Words

We hope now you understand how important it is to service your car’s AC system from time to time. In the end, you find anything hard to understand above, feel free to ask us in the comment section below.

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